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CIS Accelerator

Think of it like having your own designated service lane during rush hour. For just $3.95 per month, you not only get the web browsing experience typical broadband users get, you get it for much less. You may not have a broadband connection, but you can still have a high-speed browsing experience.

Boosting performance by up to 5x, the CIS Accelerator is particularly suited to dial-up and wireless customers in home and small-office. The CIS Accelerator accelerates internet access for dial-up users through proprietary technology, including compression, caching, smart routing, persistent connections and other technological means.

  • Rev up your connection -- making it perform up to 5x faster
  • Eliminate annoying pop-up ads
  • Block unwanted banner and pop-under ads
  • Protect your privacy, whether you're buying or simply browsing

Connection and download speed depend on your modem speed, current phone line conditions, computer performance and configuration. It can also depend on the amount of data you download and on internet traffic as well. On average though, you should expect up to 5x faster browsing speed.

Take advantage of our early payment discounts.

Months Paid in Advance You Pay Only You Save
3 months $8.00 $.85
6 months $15.00 $2.70
12 months $20.00 $15.40